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Women’s support groups offer numerous benefits, offering a valuable source of support, encouragement, and empowerment for women facing various challenges in their lives.

  • Emotional Support: Support groups provide a safe space for women to express their feelings, share experiences, and receive empathy and understanding from others who can relate to their struggles. This can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Validation: Being part of a support group can validate women’s experiences, feelings, and concerns. Feeling understood and validated by others can boost self-esteem and confidence.
  • Sharing Knowledge and Information: Women’s support groups often provide opportunities to exchange practical advice, resources, and information about various topics such as health, relationships, parenting, career advancement, and personal development.
  • Building Coping Skills: Through interactions with others in similar situations, women can learn effective coping strategies for dealing with challenges and stressors in their lives.
  • Empowerment: Support groups can empower women by providing them with a sense of belonging, fostering self-awareness, and encouraging them to take control of their lives and make positive changes.
  • Reducing Stigma and Shame: Discussing sensitive issues in a supportive environment can help reduce the stigma and shame often associated with topics such as mental health, addiction, abuse, and other personal struggles.
  • Social Connection: Support groups offer opportunities for women to develop meaningful relationships and friendships with others who share similar experiences and interests. These connections can provide a sense of belonging and community.
  • Role Modeling and Inspiration: Seeing other women overcome challenges and achieve personal growth within the support group can serve as inspiration and motivation for members to work towards their own goals.
  • Accountability: Support groups can provide accountability and encouragement for members to follow through with their goals and commitments, whether it’s related to self-care, personal development, or making positive lifestyle changes.
  • Improved Mental Health: Research has shown that participation in support groups can lead to improvements in mental health outcomes such as reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Please let us know if you would be interested in an Online (live video chat), Women’s Empowerment / Support Group?


Build the perfect Self-Care day from these activities


Exercise. It’s about moving, not about pushing yourself past your limits. Self-care when exercise makes you feel good about yourself, not when you’re focused on burning calories.

Meditate. Meditation is the perfect way to focus inward and acknowledge all of the thoughts and feelings you’ve been neglecting.

Create. Paint, draw, origami, knitting, macrame… Wherever your creativity is, you can fall into a creative trance and relax your mind.

Get outside. Even if its just our own backyard, the outdoors can really impact your mood.

Sleep. The big one. Try settling into bed a little early and get some quality rest. It’s that simple.

Eat healthy. Whether meal prepping for your week, making a nutritious dinner, or cooking up some Sunday breakfast, it’s worth the time.

Read a book / listen to a Podcast. An escape from the ‘real world’, of your choosing.

Take a bath instead of a shower. It’s simple, you can relax in a hot bath.

Meet a fried for a tea. Doesn’t have to be tea, but surround yourself with all of the positive relationships in your life

Spend time with a pet. Everyone knows the unconditional love a pet can give. If you don’t have one, head to the park or local rescue…

Do something for someone else. These acts can get you out of your own head and make someone’s day a little better.

Turn off your phone for 30 minutes. Unplugging can give you a chance to reconnect with the things that really matter to you. Self-care doesn’t get much better than that.


Finding time to focus on self-care can seem impossible, especially during a pandemic with the demands of work and family life.

Time for yourself is time away from your daily list of chores, responsibilities and commitments. These things will usually still be there even if you take 15 minutes or even an hour to yourself.

Research shows that people who regularly take a little time to themselves, and are comfortable with that time alone, experience increased happiness, better stress management and lower rates of depression.


Step away from social media, email and phone calls, and instead read a book or magazine, go for a walk, or simply stare out the window and daydream. Our devices have become an entertainment crutch, and the go-to when we have a minute to spare.

Finish Work on Time.

This is one of the simplest things you can do when you need a little personal time. This had become much more difficult since we are all now working from home, the end-of-day has become fluid and the result is self-care time has decreased or vanished. If this is you, make it a point to stop work exactly on time at least once a week, and make that saved time self-care time. Practicing some sort of self-care, even once a week will make a difference.

Check in on Yourself.

Take a minute throughout your day to stop, just for a moment, to notice what is happening within and around you. Taking just a moment to reset your mind can help keep you balanced and happier.


Reach out to others, sometimes a chat with a friend is all the self-care you need. If you feel you may need help with emotional support, consider a professional counselor to have your thoughts and feelings heard.


If you’d like to speak to a friendly, fully qualified and licensed Therapist, contact us through the form below. It’s completely confidential, and covered by most insurances.

For billing/insurance purposes, we must have your legal name exactly as it appears on your insurance ID Card
It will be about a 10 minute intake call, to collect all information needed to schedule your appointment with a therapist.
This question is optional and confidential. It will help us connect you with the therapist most suited to your needs.