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Mental health healing refers to the process of improving and restoring one’s mental well-being and emotional balance.

It involves addressing and managing various mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, and more.

  • Therapy: Different types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), mindfulness-based therapy, and others, can help individuals develop coping skills, identify negative thought patterns, and learn healthier ways to manage emotions.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that promote overall well-being, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness practices and meditation can help individuals stay grounded, reduce stress, and improve their ability to manage challenging emotions.
  • Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or support groups. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can provide a sense of connection and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. This can help prevent feeling overwhelmed and give you a sense of accomplishment as you make progress.
  • Positive Coping Strategies: Identify healthy coping strategies that work for you, such as journaling, deep breathing, creative expression, or spending time in nature.
  • Limit Stressors: Identify and address sources of stress in your life. This might involve making changes to your environment, setting boundaries, or seeking solutions to ongoing problems.
  • Patience and Persistence: Healing takes time, and setbacks are normal. Be patient with yourself and continue working on your well-being, even if progress feels slow.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn more about your mental health condition. Knowledge can help you better understand what you’re experiencing and empower you to make informed decisions about your treatment.
  • Avoid Self-Stigma: Remember that seeking help for mental health issues is a sign of strength, not weakness. Avoid negative self-talk and challenge any stigmas you may hold about seeking help.
  • Seek Professional Help: Consulting with a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor, is crucial. They can provide proper diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and therapy tailored to your specific needs. (schedule an appointment with a Therapist here:

Remember, everyone’s journey to mental health healing is unique. What works for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to find the strategies and approaches that resonate with you and support your well-being. If you’re struggling with your mental health, reaching out to a qualified mental health professional for guidance and support is a positive first step to healing.


It is likely too hard to tell if your mental health indirectly caused weight gain, or weight gain affects your mental health.

Obesity can have a significant impact on a person’s mental wellbeing, adults with excess weight have a much higher risk of developing depression compared to people that do not struggle with their weight. Below is a look at how obesity can affect mental health and vice versa:

  1. Low self-esteem: Obesity is often associated with societal stigma, body shaming, and negative stereotypes. People with weight issues may experience low self-esteem and poor body image, which can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame. This negative self-perception can impact overall mental well-being.
  2. Depression and anxiety: Obesity has been linked to higher rates of depression and anxiety. The social isolation, discrimination, and negative body image associated with obesity can contribute to these mental health conditions. Additionally, hormonal imbalances and inflammation associated with obesity may directly affect brain chemistry and contribute to the development of these disorders.
  3. Eating disorders: While obesity and eating disorders may seem contradictory, they can be interconnected. Some individuals with obesity may develop binge eating disorder, which involves consuming large amounts of food in a short period and feeling a loss of control. This can further contribute to weight gain and negatively impact mental health.
  4. Poor quality of life: Obesity can limit physical mobility and decrease overall quality of life. Difficulties in performing daily activities, such as exercise or even simple tasks, can lead to frustration, decreased self-worth, and feelings of helplessness, which can affect mental well-being.
  5. Social withdrawal and isolation: People with obesity may face discrimination and social stigma, which can lead to social withdrawal and isolation. This lack of social support and meaningful connections can contribute to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
  6. Cognitive function: Some research suggests that obesity may have negative effects on cognitive function and increase the risk of conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This can further impact mental health by causing cognitive decline and emotional distress.

It is important to note that the relationship between obesity and mental health is complex, and individual experiences may vary. Seeking professional help from healthcare providers, such as therapists, counselors, or registered dietitians, can be beneficial in addressing both physical and mental health concerns associated with obesity.


Schedule an appointment to discuss your options and your future:


Self-care is a crucial part of looking after yourself, as well as those around you.

Practicing self-care can produce positive feelings, which boosts motivation and self-esteem leaving you with increased energy to support yourself as well as your loved ones. Engaging in a self-care routine has been proven to reduce anxiety, stress and depression, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and more.

Self-care means something different to each of us, but it doesn’t need to be complicated or overly time consuming. We asked our therapists to share their own self-care routines, maybe some of these might work for you:

Cup of Tea at night. Glass of wine with my husband while we watch a fun show. Cooking for fun.

Cooking and creating joy with food is one of my favorite forms of self care.

Winding down in the evenings by taking a shower with lavender & vanilla body wash and lotion, doing bed yoga, drinking “well-rested” tea and doing my night time meditation. I also try to do a bentonite clay mask every week to take a mindful pause and care for my skin.

Getting into bed by 10pm. No electronics 1 hour before bed. Drink water. Natural light. Workout 4 days a week.

I enjoy being mindful of my phone usage, especially in the morning. I like to stretch & release any stagnant energy or emotions trapped within my body. I love finding new songs & listening to old ones that i enjoyed most. I enjoy meditation & travel. Travel resonates most because i truly believe in working to live, not living to work, especially in the time of working from home which has beautiful perks but can exacerbate feelings of stagnancy.

I keep a daily bullet journal. It is great for me because it serves two purposes. First, as I am not even a little artistic, my friend creates the monthly outline for me. This means that she and I have a standing monthly date so we know that we are going to spend time together which is wonderful self-care for me. Second, it means that I get daily self-care as I take 5-10 minutes to reflect on my day and record the things I for which I am grateful.

I enjoy getting into bed early and reading a book. I also enjoy coloring and painting, watching tv shows and movies, and getting my nails done.

I often use 4-7-8 breathing. Inhaling for a mental count of 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. This breathing technique really activates the parasympathetic response and helps reset after encountering a stressor or feeling overwhelmed. I will usually do a set of 10-20 breaths. It really works.

I rely on humor as much as possible– I especially enjoy taking a few minutes to laugh at funny memes about therapy & therapists.

A Large Latte! Every evening 1-2 Seinfeld episodes. Fill up pitcher of water with blend of nutritive teas including green tea for caffeine, grounded flax seeds, chia seeds, almond milk and cinnamon, drink throughout the day. Go out with friends once a week for fun

When times are normal, and covid numbers aren’t as high as they currently, I go for bi-weekly manicure appointments and I go with my mother so it’s also quality time with mom. I also enjoy reading and having virtual visits with friends and family, Prayer is also a big part of my daily life.

Walks, knitting 🧶 , meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️, reading 📚

Daily exercise, warm tea in the morning, journaling, reaching out to friends, nourishing food, cooking. No screens before bed.

it is so important for me that I take quiet time and time to move my body. I do at least 20 minutes of yoga, 4 times a week, I have tea before bed every work-night, and I protect my Sundays for rest and laziness, or for whatever I say I want to do.

Salsa dancing classes 1x/week, exercise 3x/week, music during my daily commute, nail salon visit 1x/month.

Daily prayer. Getting out of the house. Stretching. Getting enough sleep. Reading something interesting or enjoyable.

Having a mental health day to relax, taking a personal care and self pampering time for yourself. Facial, manicure, pedicure, sauna, these things can be done in the comfort of your own home. Relax with a nice cup of tea or wine and most importantly prayer for our family, loved ones, friends and ourselves.



Build the perfect Self-Care day from these activities


Exercise. It’s about moving, not about pushing yourself past your limits. Self-care when exercise makes you feel good about yourself, not when you’re focused on burning calories.

Meditate. Meditation is the perfect way to focus inward and acknowledge all of the thoughts and feelings you’ve been neglecting.

Create. Paint, draw, origami, knitting, macrame… Wherever your creativity is, you can fall into a creative trance and relax your mind.

Get outside. Even if its just our own backyard, the outdoors can really impact your mood.

Sleep. The big one. Try settling into bed a little early and get some quality rest. It’s that simple.

Eat healthy. Whether meal prepping for your week, making a nutritious dinner, or cooking up some Sunday breakfast, it’s worth the time.

Read a book / listen to a Podcast. An escape from the ‘real world’, of your choosing.

Take a bath instead of a shower. It’s simple, you can relax in a hot bath.

Meet a fried for a tea. Doesn’t have to be tea, but surround yourself with all of the positive relationships in your life

Spend time with a pet. Everyone knows the unconditional love a pet can give. If you don’t have one, head to the park or local rescue…

Do something for someone else. These acts can get you out of your own head and make someone’s day a little better.

Turn off your phone for 30 minutes. Unplugging can give you a chance to reconnect with the things that really matter to you. Self-care doesn’t get much better than that.


Finding time to focus on self-care can seem impossible, especially during a pandemic with the demands of work and family life.

Time for yourself is time away from your daily list of chores, responsibilities and commitments. These things will usually still be there even if you take 15 minutes or even an hour to yourself.

Research shows that people who regularly take a little time to themselves, and are comfortable with that time alone, experience increased happiness, better stress management and lower rates of depression.


Step away from social media, email and phone calls, and instead read a book or magazine, go for a walk, or simply stare out the window and daydream. Our devices have become an entertainment crutch, and the go-to when we have a minute to spare.

Finish Work on Time.

This is one of the simplest things you can do when you need a little personal time. This had become much more difficult since we are all now working from home, the end-of-day has become fluid and the result is self-care time has decreased or vanished. If this is you, make it a point to stop work exactly on time at least once a week, and make that saved time self-care time. Practicing some sort of self-care, even once a week will make a difference.

Check in on Yourself.

Take a minute throughout your day to stop, just for a moment, to notice what is happening within and around you. Taking just a moment to reset your mind can help keep you balanced and happier.


Reach out to others, sometimes a chat with a friend is all the self-care you need. If you feel you may need help with emotional support, consider a professional counselor to have your thoughts and feelings heard.


If you’d like to speak to a friendly, fully qualified and licensed Therapist, contact us through the form below. It’s completely confidential, and covered by most insurances.

For billing/insurance purposes, we must have your legal name exactly as it appears on your insurance ID Card
It will be about a 10 minute intake call, to collect all information needed to schedule your appointment with a therapist.
This question is optional and confidential. It will help us connect you with the therapist most suited to your needs.




Here is a list of things in 2020 which I am thankful for – my Covid-19 gratitude list:

1. This pandemic and lockdown has given me enough time to be able to relax, rest, and think about my life, my priorities, my beliefs, my goals.

2. This situation has made me realize who my true friends are.

3. “How are you?” means something to me now.

4. I am now truly focused on the present.

5. Every morning I am grateful that my family and friends are healthy.

7. Money is needed, of course, but the pandemic has taught me how little we actually need to have a fulfilling life.

9. I’ve learned to cherish things I took for granted earlier.

10. I now see that nature can easily exist without man, but man wouldn’t last very long without nature, which is a humbling revelation.


It is normal to feel stressed or overwhelmed at this moment in time. Emotions may include anxiety, fear, a feeling of being out of control.

Taking care of yourself is extremely important now more than ever. Here are a few tips:

Plan your day: As tempting as it might be to stay in pyjamas all day, regular routines are essential for our identity, self-confidence and purpose.

Get physical: Move more every day. Explore different ways of adding physical movement and activity to your day and find some that work best for you.

Relax: Relaxing and focusing on the present can help improve your mental health and lighten negative feelings.

Stay in-touch: This could be anything, from sharing a cup of tea over video, playing an online game together, or simply sending a supportive text-message.

Remember yourself: Take time to reflect and practice self-compassion: Mindfulness techniques may also help you focus on the present rather than dwelling on unhelpful thoughts.

Improve your sleep: Wind down before bed by avoiding using your phone, tablet, computer or TV for an hour before bedtime.

Changes in your emotional state that become persistent or interfere with daily life may need a little extra self-care:

  • Trouble focusing on daily tasks
  • Persistent, heightened anxiety
  • Elevated emotional state
  • Feelings of helplessness
  • Fear for family or your future

If you are experiencing any of the above, and feel a little extra support is needed, talk to us. Schedule an appointment with one of our full trained Online Counselors.

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Self-care is a regular, intentional process of devoting oneself to protecting and sustaining mental health.

Small things make a difference.

When we are busy, it’s easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. Or if we make too big a plan, we might give up if we can’t find the time and energy to see it through. Break rituals are activities that we embed into our day to help us stay calibrated and avoid mental overload. We can’t falsely promise ourselves that we’ll relax once something gets scratched off our lists, because in the meantime, 10 new things will pop up. Just as when we neglect ourselves there is a cumulative effect on our health, the same is true when we make a regular point to nourish our mind, body and souls.

Self-care comes in many shapes and sizes.

There’s no one size-fits-all formula. Key activities include lifestyle medicine, creative pursuits, hobbies, time with loved ones, and positive mental dialogue. Science shows the tremendous value in all of these activities to protect and bolster mental health. Engage in a process of reflection (therapists, coaches and loved ones can be helpful in co-creating ideas) that helps you identify high impact activities that can be woven into your routines.

Self-care starts with giving yourself permission.

Many of us are uncomfortable with the idea of taking time for ourselves. We are used to taking care of everyone else and it’s a big shift to actually focus on you. It feels counterintuitive. This can demonstrate your strong sense of values and pride in serving others, but it can also tie into a deeper martyr complex or sense of unworthiness. When we give ourselves the green light and understand that we are worth our own investment because we are important, we are more likely to maximize the benefits of self-care. You must give yourself permission to take care of yourself, and make sure you are taking break rituals everyday. Sustainability is everything: You are worth it.